Page 3 - SMS Food Trends 2020
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1. Food Storytelling
People tend to pay attention to what
they eat and story behind the products.
The story tells the true bene ts that they
are getting and reveals the process of
each product. The more consumers
connect with the story, the more they 3. Sustainability at Heart 4. The Right Bite & Lifestyle
decide to purchase that particular
product. Nowadays, the manufacturer The sustainability concern has risen We are living in the world where
draws a timeline back to the organic hugely in this decade with no signs of everything is just so convenient; to eat, to
farming, the devotion in each slowing down. From market research, cook, to grab and go. Nonetheless,
production and connects it to the nal consumers are more willing to pay extra consumers seek convenience but also
product. This trend is very useful for for the products that are friendly to the crave nutritious foods as the result of
agricultural products in the way that environment and solve the plastic and rising health-conscious trend. As it is said
they can emphasize their uniqueness, food waste problems. This has prompted “busy consumers want to be healthy as
premium quality, and sustainability manufacturers to rethink and prioritize well”, they look for foods that are easy to
e orts living in the business supply eco-e ciency in their products including prepare, easy to cook at home, and rich in
chain. renewable energy resources, recycling nutrients as if they were eating at the
plastic, and food waste reduction. These restaurant. This year will cement the role
changes are in response to the fact that of convenience and health balance.
STORY SELLS ITSELF consumer would like to take part in
protecting the earth. Nowadays, it has
become a positive trend and consumers
want to try out a new lifestyle that
promotes true sustainability. 5. Texture draws Purchase
In consumer’s mind, the better food looks,
2. Plant-Based is on the rise the more interesting it is. Texture plays an
Plant-based food is on the rise and will continue to essential role in determining people’s
grow in the long term. People are turning to meatless feelings about foods. As true as it sounds,
products and seeking alternative protein sources mouthfeel and desirable indulgence lead
which are derived from plants and rich in nutrients to a satisfying sensory experience for
such as soy beans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts, and consumers. It is even better when
quinoa, described as “Super Food”. People are shifting manufacturers can deliver unique,
towards cleaner living, animal welfare and a di erent, and fun experiences into their
sustainable planet. A number of food companies took foods. This re ects the textural
the challenge to deliver the best alternative products importance in food that must not be
with cleaner label ingredients while improving the overlooked.
nutrition pro les.