Welcome Prime Minister's Consultant to Visit SMS Corporati

A Warm Welcome Mr. Kittiratt Na-Ranong, Prime Minister's Consultant, and Team to Visit SMS Corporation sms-underline

On March 29, 2024, Mr. Thamrongrat Bisalputra Deputy Managing Director and Mr. Natachai Wanglee, Managing Directors of Siam Modified Starch Company Limited, warmly welcomed Mr. Kittiratt Na-Ranong, the Prime Minister's Consultant, and his team.


The purpose of their visit was to explore the innovation center's food and non-food facilities, witnessing firsthand the innovation of modified tapioca starch. This process enhances its properties, making it a game-changer in industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, bioplastics, and more.


As they toured the facilities, SMS Corporation showcased the advanced technology and innovation behind modified tapioca starch, highlighting its potential of


  • The World’s First WAXY TAPIOCA STARCH Manufacturing for food applications
  • The First Plant Protein Manufacturing in Thailand
  • DAVAMED™ C1 : Excipient Starch for pharmaceutical industry
  • 100% composable packaging under brand YES! Bio


As the visit concluded, Mr. Bisalputra, Mr. Wanglee, and Mr. Na-Ranong looked towards the future with optimism. They discussed how SMS Corporation's innovations could shape the future of the tapioca industry, offering sustainable solutions and enhancing the value added into tapioca starch and value chain.


SMS Corporation, a pioneer in the tapioca starch industry, continues to lead the way in innovation, showcasing its diverse range of products including wax tapioca starch, plant protein, pharmaceutical products, and bioplastics. These products highlight the company's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and technological advancement.
