SMS Tapioplast Sustainable Solution for CO2 Reduction at T-PLAS 2023

SMS Emphasized Functional Thermoplastic Starch – Sustainable Solution for CO2 Reduction at T-PLAS 2023 sms-underline

September 21, 2023, SMS joined the T-PLAS 2023, special topic seminar ‘Bioplastic As Part of Circular Economy’. The seminar was arranged by incorporation of TBIA and MESSE DÜSSELDORF ASIA by having Mr. Viboon Phungprasert (the President of TBIA) as a chairman of the seminar.

At the event, many special people in the bioplastic industry attended and lectured on sustainable innovation to support bioplastic products in a more environmentally- friendly way. SMS has highlighted the vital key ‘the Functional Thermoplastic Starch Solution for CO2 Emissions Reduction by Dr. Siwarutt Boonyaratanakalin (Assistant Innovation Director).

SMS TAPIOPLAST® TPS is a functional bioplastic resin derived from natural cassava. It is engineered to lead the way to sustainability by providing fast biodegradation and bio-content at a more affordable price than other biodegradable polymers.

Besides its versatility of leaving zero waste to the environment, it also helps reduce the emission of CO2 in our ecosystem. Starch is a renewable biomass, synthesized naturally by plants using clean solar energy and carbon dioxide from the air. It is a natural carbon-capturing mechanism without consuming fossil energy.

We are delighted to have been invited to this impactful seminar. As a modified tapioca starch manufacturer, we remain steadfast in our commitment to advancing starch innovation to achieve a sustainable world.
