SMS As the Private Sector Representative Attended the 6th LMBF 2024

SMS As the Private Sector Representative Attended the 6th LMBF 2024 sms-underline

January 10th, SMS joined the 6th Lancang Mekong Business Forum 2024, promoting agribusiness and investment in the processed food sector and proposing the versatility of tapioca products to add value to many industries. At the seminar, more than 100 participants were attending onsite and a broad range of product exhibitions.

SMS, one of the modified tapioca manufacturers led by Dr. Siwarutt Boonyaratanakalin (Assistant Innovation Director) and Miss Weena Pinyoarpakul (Regional Sales Manager), highlighted the competitive modified starch solutions to various food applications. SMS comprehensive solutions are performed as texturizers, thickeners, specialty, and clean labels, which are broadly applied to various food products in the global market.

We would like to express a big thank you to all partners for sharing and networking the innovation expertise. We look forward to contributing value-added tapioca products to leverage the food industry through our innovation and generating further business opportunities in the near future.
