Sustainable Cassava Farming: TTDI & SMS Partner to Eradicate Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) and Empower Farmers sms-underline


Thailand's cassava industry has been challenged by the spread of Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) since 2021, impacting yield, production, and farmer livelihoods. In response, the Thai Tapioca Development Institute (TTDI), alongside the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and Kasetsart University, successfully developed CMD-resistant varieties by 2023.

SMS Group is at the forefront of revolutionizing the cassava industry. Having received CMD-resistant stems (X20) from TTDI, our farmer membership team is distributing these stems to cassava farmers free of charge. Partnering with the Poon Udom, one of Poonphol Group, we are also using tissue culture technology to breed CMD-resistant varieties.

Our Farmer Membership Team is committed to providing CMD-resistant stems to 2,000 of our farmers' membership. Initially, our goal is to cover 30% of Chaiyaphum province with CMD-resistant stems, with a long-term plan to extend this coverage to the entire province within 5-6 years.

With a focus on innovation and sustainability, SMS aims to increase crop yield, improve farmer livelihoods, and contribute to food security. We believe that our achievements can serve as a model for other regions, helping Thailand achieve a CMD-free future. Education and collaboration are vital to this success, paving the way for sustainable cassava production and a prosperous future for Thai farmers.
