To produce high-quality packaging paper while maintaining the utmost performance, manufacturers must enhance the machineability, reduce steam consumption, facilitate efficient deaeration while maintaining cost-effectiveness. SMS introduces EXCELPLUS Series – the innovative amphoteric biopolymer specially designed as an alternative to conventional cationic starch in an alum/PAC dependent process. In comparison with typical cationic starch, EXCELPLUS Series improves machine-productivity and efficiency by 5-20%, facilitates better retention, improves drainage ability, and paper strength properties.
Our EXCELPLUS® Series offers a perfect balance between strength and porosity which is essential for product packaging, allowing low air resistance to maintain the right conditions for a fast and dust-free filling process.
EXCELPLUS 327 & EXCELPLUS 340 provide versatile benefits:
• Speed up machine runnability
• High production capacity
• Cost-effectiveness
• Less steam consumption
• High porosity 10-20%
• Low air resistance to sack kraft paper
• An overall better alternative to cationic starch
EXCELPLUS® Series enables manufacturers to maximize packaging paper productivity with better performance.
More information on recipes and technical guidelines at info@smscor.com