
For coming trend of high speed corrugator and recycled fiber as a paper based material, this is the challenge of corrugated board adhesive system to maintain product quality with cost optimization. Technical specialists at SMS Corporation have experience in adhesive system for corrugated board industry.

We recommend innovative carrier system using modified starch in combination with new Auto Glue Kitchen serving this requirement. SMS C300 and SMS GREEN 416 increase the adhesive properties for lamination of corrugated board even while running at very high speed.

This is the best solution for high quality board, high speed productivity, waste efficiency together with conserving the environment. Contact us for more detail and technical service support at

“New Generation Coating Additives as Total Binder Reduction in Coating Formula and Renewable Coating Binders” presented by Mr.Sombat Akamanuwatr and Mr.Pitipong Wanakhachornkrai from SMS Corporation in the 52nd Annual General Meeting and Seminar, India on March 11, 2016.

In technical paper described the benefit of modified starch, KLIC 10, which functioned for coating co-binder. KLIC 10 could improve binding properties together with maintaining good flow ability in coating color. This concept can help the manufacturers for cost saving and environmental friendly strategies. Learn more technical detail in this paper. SMS’s expert team is welcome to give you more detail and service. Please contact us at

30 Years of Success ; Siam Modified Starch in advertorial of Dr.Werawat Lertwanawatana, Managing Director, is published in Food Focus Thailand Issue 114.

“Development with science as its foundation has become our vision in creating new products every day.” Dr.Werawat said and concluded that

“Apart from strong R&D, we also focus on sustainability as a priority, both within the organization and in the community at large. We strongly believe that going forward, sustainability will be a vital cog during the organization and strengthening the potential of Thailand’s food industry”.

“Why do Industries Prefer the Tapioca Starch?” looked out how with odorless and bland taste, clarity of paste and high peak viscosity, tapioca starch provides numerous benefits to be used as an ingredient for food industries.

“Instant Starches for Convenient Sauce”, examined how SMS instant starch provides beneficial features such as cold water solubility, viscosity and creamy texture for instant soup and sauce.

“Modified Starch for Healthier Bakery Products” dealt with SMS modified starch and how it can replace up to 40% of fat and reduce the number of calories by up to 25%. This ingredient is an option for a fat replacer for your healthy bakery products.

Yogurt has been consumed by humans for hundreds of years. It’s nutritious, and eating it regularly may boost several aspects of health such as weigh management, high protein, digestive health benefit. Texture, mouthfeel and appearance of yogurt are important to consumers.

Rich, creamy and spoonable texture are desirable characteristics. In the aspect of improving yogurt’s texture, innovative tapioca starches can be applied in the process. On top of that, bland taste of innovative tapioca starch will not interfere yogurt’s flavor.

Preferable flavor can be perceived by consumers. Learn more how to use innovative tapioca starch in yogurt and request sample and recipe at

“Natura Series” launched a new product for bakery industry. “Natura STN” is functional native starch which can be claimed as food ingredient for clean label bakery product.

It’s fulfill food trend for natural and clean product. Natura STN has been formulated in steam cake recipe to improve product air cell, reduce tooth packing.

Detail of experiment has been shown in the article “Clean Label Starch Solution for Bakery Steamed Cake” published in Food Focus Thailand Magazine.

SMS Waxy Tapioca starch Publication

As the World’s First Waxy Tapioca Starch Manufacturer, we highlight the outstanding functions that waxy tapioca starch performs to improve food innovation. The versatile of waxy tapioca starch are used to develop the food product at consumer’s desirable texture. Explore the uniqueness of waxy tapioca characteristic that are necessarily required in modern food trend.

In this growing trend of environmental conservation for long-term sustainability, it leads manufacturers to manipulate the reprocessing paper used while continuing the high quality, optimizing cost production, and reducing waste.

Discover how modified starch solution can help manufacturers run the efficiency of machine performance and deliver the excellent product quality.

Nowadays, minimizing the cost of production while adding value to paper products has become the important factor that manufacturers are looking for. SMS emphasizes that fact and has hit the debut in the paper industry in South Africa through our EXCELCAT® 35 - the superior modified starch solution to enhance paper strength and boost machine-ability.

Learn how our EXCELCAT® 35 enables the optimum combination of product quality and cost-effectiveness.


plant-based meat - the food of the future

In the past few years, the number of vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians has surprisingly doubled, powering plant-based product value in the food market. The concept is to reduce the animal meat consumption due to the health concern and environment issues caused by livestock production. With the development of neuroscience today, the meat-like experience of plant-based meat product including texture, appearance, taste, sound, and smell, it makes meat-eaters becoming more open to plant-based diets and meat alternatives.

Explore how plant-based food trends continue to evolve and how we can translate the great idea to delicious plant-based culinary. 

Change to Achieve More with EXCELPLUS Series

To produce high-quality kraft packaging paper, the perfect balance between strength and porosity is essential. SMS brings up EXCELPLUS Series - the innovative amphoteric biopolymers as cationic starch replacer to enhance high-speed machine runnability, better retention, and efficient deaeration for the optimum product quality while resulting in cost-optimization.

Explore how EXCELPLUS Series can bring up the effectiveness to kraft packaging paper products.

TAPIOPLAST®TPS, the vital key for sustainable world

Explore the versatility of Thermoplastic Starch and Compounds for sustainable use, achieving a Bio-Circular Economy, solving the global plastic waste pollution, and promoting sustainability to our planet. TAPIOPLAST® is specially formulated to produce biodegradable products with a 100% degradation rate within 3-4 months, evaluated by international standard EN 13432 and ISO 17088, for the most environmental-friendly purpose. 

CMD-Free Future: SMS Group's Vision for Thai Farmers and Cas

Thailand's cassava industry faced challenges from Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) since 2021, impacting yield and production. TTDI, IITA, and KU developed CMD-resistant varieties by 2023. 

SMS Group, received CMD-resistant stems from TTDI, distributes them to farmers for free. Our Farmer Membership Team aims to provide CMD-resistant stems to 2,000 farmers initially, covering 30% of Chaiyaphum province, with a plan to expand province-wide in 5-6 years. SMS focuses on innovation, sustainability, and collaboration for a CMD-free future for Thai farmers.
