Laundry sms-underline

Get rid of wrinkle creases with superior laundry starch

Ironing is art for daily uses in real life. After washing, fibers in fabrics are subjected to shear (from rubbing, squeezing, etc.,) and becomes rough and wrinkled. Purpose of ironing is to keep fabrics in shape and to get rid of wrinkle creases.
SMS produces modified starch which is suitable for ironing starch. It creates smooth film on the fabrics after ironing and makes fabrics neat in shape.

ironing starch, modified starch, textile, laundry starch

Ironing Starch

The clear solution of ironing starch can be produced by using FABRICTEX® 15 and FABRICTEX DP which are modified tapioca starch products, suitable for using in laundry textile application to enhance fabric appearances in term of stiffness and glossiness.

sms-underline Solution Partner sms-underline

We are a trusted partner delivering high quality modified starches
and world-class technical support to our customers worldwide.
